Friends of New Hampshire
Drug Courts

Ways to Give
The Friends offers many great giving options and we can provide information that will allow you to choose the one that’s right for you. If you have any questions about choosing the right type of donation for you, please contact us at
Online: Please use our secure online donation system to donate online.
By Check Make checks payable to “Friends of NH Drug Courts” and mail to:
Friends of NH Drug Courts
100 North Main Street
Suite 400
Concord, NH 03301
Volunteer: There are many ways to give back, and we are always looking for talented individuals to join our Board. Email to learn more.
Establish a Named Fund
With a charitable donation of $10,000 or more, you can establish a charitable fund in your name, in the name of a loved one, or in the name of your corporation that will be distributed for a special cause related to the participants of Drug Court, for example, to fund completion of participants attaining a high school equivalency diploma or taking college or vocational training courses.
Give to a Specific Drug Court
If you wish for your donation to go to a specific drug court, just let us know! If you are donating online, just send us an email with the program name at If you are sending a check, just write the name of the Drug Court on your check. include the Drug Court in the online form. This donation will be equally distributed to each of the established and developing Drug Court programs. Otherwise, your donation will go to help all of NH’s Drug Court Programs! A small portion of all donations goes to cover the Friends administrative expenses.